2024. Action plan for integration into IPCEI. Funded by the the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists.
2023. Implementation European Pillar of Social Rights in Lithuania – Identifying Where are the Policy Gaps. How Can Social Partners Contribute to the Implementation of Action Plan. Co-funded by the European Union and the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialist, Lithuania.
Youth Inclusion into the
Labour Market. How to Make Education Institutions‘ and Business‘ Cooperation
More Effective in the Post-Covid Era in Particularly.
o-funded by the European Union and Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialist, Lithuania.
2022. "The management of economic models and pricing of drinking water services confronted with the need to save water”, implemented with the NGO EUROPA and the OIEAU (International Office of Water). For more information: https://www.europaong.org/etude-sur-la-tarification-des-services-deau-potable-en-europe/.
2022-2024. CULTURE: CULTural entrepreneURship Education for young immigrants. Erasmus + youth projects. Partners: IASD – Asociacion para la Integration Social y el Desarrollo (Spain), Asociatia pontru Prmovaera Traditiiloo (Romania), Associazione di Volontariato INCREDERE (Italy).
2020-2021. „Bromètre des fonctions publiques locales en Europe“; financé par le CNFPT (Centre national de la fonction publique territorial, Paris, France), réalisé en coopération avec l'association internationalle EUROPA, Limoges, France. Plus d'infomations: https://barometre-reformes.eu/.
2020. Initial analysis of the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemics on Lithuanian road freight transport sector. For more information: http://www.linava.lt/wp content/uploads/2019/10/BIRD_LINAVA_ataskaita_20200506_FINAL.pdf.
2020. Initial analysis of the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemics on Lithuanian passengers transportation by buses. For more information: http://www.linava.lt/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/BIRD_LINAVA_keleiviai_20200618_FINAL.pdf.
2019. The competitiveness analysis of Lithuanian road fright. For more information: http://www.linava.lt/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/BIRD_LINAVA_GALUTINE_ATASKAITA_20191206.pdf.
2018. HAKAMA - Public Governance Reform in Marocco (Lithuania's case study). For more information: https://www.gfa-group.de/news/Hakama_governance_reform_program_launched_in_Morocco__3837045.html.
2013-2015. The development of Lithuania's social model including the enhancement of employment enhancement, the development of labor relationships and the development of sustainable social care system. For more information: http://www.socmodelis.lt/.
2014. Consulting and research on Lithuania's sport SUT and IOT construction and economic analysis.
2013. The analysis of the data structure of SUT and IOT of several EU countries.
+370 5 244 1975
J. Savickio str. 4 - 7, LT-01108, Vilnius, Lithuania